
Any print marketing campaign must include a brochure. In comparison to simple flyers, brochures feature a variety of folding options that provide additional space for important information. As a result, the brochure is a highly collectable item. Brochures assist businesses in increasing brand awareness and attracting new audiences by conveying detailed messages.

Product Inspiration

Paper Type

Art Card

Art Paper

Simili Paper


2-Panel Folds

3-Panel Folds


As its name indicates, this brochure contains two panels with enough space for lengthy text or large images.

3-Panel Folds


The trifold is folded twice to create three panels for a short, visual, and informative brochure. It is the most popular folding option.


This commonly used brochure has six printed panels on both sides.

Gate Fold

The gatefold has two cover panels that open up to reveal a larger third panel.

4-Panel Folds

4-Panel Folds

Accordion Fold

This brochure fold forms a zigzag pattern.

Double Gate Fold

This fold is similar to the gate fold, with an extra fold in the center. It is also known as a closed gate fold.

Double Parallel Fold

This fold is folded equally in half then folded again in the same direction.

French Fold

The French fold is folded in half horizontally and then vertically folded in half to create the four equally sized panels.

Roll Fold

Roll fold is folded three times from right to left. Each panel is directed to fold toward the left.

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